About Us
Ngāti Kahungunu originates from the Tākitimu waka, which sailed from Haiwaiki led by Tamatea Arikinui. His son Rongokako married Muriwhenua and they had a son, the great explorer Tamatea Ure Haea. At Kaitāia, Tamatea Ure Haea’s son Kahungunu was born. An energetic and talented leader, Kahungunu built villages and irrigated the land. Travelling south, he had many wives and many children, but the most well-known wife was Rongomaiwahine.
From this famous love match came the descendants who call themselves Ngāti Kahungunu.
Ngāti Kahungunu has the third largest Iwi by population (95,751 at 2023 census). Geographically, Ngāti Kahungunu has the second largest tribal rohe in the country, from the Wharerata ranges in the Wairoa district extending to south Wairarapa. The coastal boundaries are Paritu in the north to Turakirae in the south. Ngāti Kahungunu is a thriving tribe made up of six Taiwhenua (Regional offices within the tribal area), four Taurahere (offices outside the tribal area), 87 marae and approximately 400+ hapū.
In the Tāmaki nui-a-Rua and Wairarapa districts, the mana of Ngāti Kahungunu was established by the fighting chiefs known as Te Aomatarahi, Taraia, Te Whatuiapiti and Te Kikiri o Te Rangi. Through their conquests Ngāti Kahungunu became established within their current location. Kei ngā kōrero o ngā mātua tūpuna mō tēnei rohe; “Which was taken by a strong hand, was never regained by a strong hand”, giving Ngāti Kahungunu mana whenua rights and status.
Today Ngāti Kahungunu people celebrate the fact that they are a tribe who can connect to all waka having whakapapa connections to all tribes within Aotearoa.
Board Members
Hayden Hape - Chairperson
Te Amokura Gaffey - Deputy Chair
Ivan Hape - Kaumatua Rep
Bryan Te Huki - Marae/ Hapū Rep
Kaylene Kani - Marae/ Hapū Rep
Maria Edwards - Marae/ Hapū Rep
Paul Te Huki - Marae/ Hapū Rep
James Kendrick - Ngā Maataa waka
Kathy Mihaere - Iwi/Community Rep
Trevor Lowe - Iwi/Community Rep
Scott Gordon - Iwi/Community Rep
Stacey Hape - General Manager

Management Team
Stacey Hape - Te Kahu Tātaki
Tania Chamberlain - Te Kahu Hautū
Keni Barrett - Te Kahu Ruawai
Scott Gordon - Ngā Manu Taiao
Melodie Grace - Te Kahu Hauora Team Lead
Christina Marshall - Te Kahu Taiao Team Lead
Melissa Nikora - Te Kahu Hauora RN Team Lead
Alice Jonathan - Te Kahu Kai Rānui Team Lead
Our Services – Supporting Whānau, Enriching Communities
At Ngāti Kahungunu ki Tāmaki-nui-a-Rua, we are dedicated to enhancing the hauora of our people and uplifting our communities through a diverse range of holistic services. Guided by the values of manaakitanga, kotahitanga, and whanaungatanga, our mahi spans health, education, rangatahi development, kaitiakitanga, and more. Each service is designed to support whānau, empower individuals, and nurture a thriving iwi that honours the legacy of our tīpuna while shaping a vibrant future for the next generations.
Explore our services below and discover how we can awhi you on your journey towards hauora, growth, and opportunity.

Te Kahu Taonga – Kaumatua Support
Health and Wellness Education
Health Promotions
Health and wellbeing checks
Community-based activities
Podiatrist support
Kaumatua waiata
Individual support
Health Programmes
Kaumatua group

Te Kahu Whānau Ora – Whānau Ora Support
Provide community-based services and Health education programmes.
Individual/whanau sessions to develop whānau health plans.
Women’s health support
Asthma management support
Diabetes management support
Nutrition education programmes
Achieving/ maintaining good hearing
Sexual Health and promoting wellbeing.
Fitness and mobility
Health Promotions

Te Kahu Nāhi-a-Rohe o Tāmaki-nui-a-Rua
Māori Mobile Nurse
Health and wellness checks from pepī to kaumatua
Long-term health condition support and monitoring
Rehabilitation needs.
Health education
Health care planning
Flu, MMR & Covid vaccinations
Mobile home visits
Sexual Health
Men’s & Women’s health
Support with GP visit

Te Kahu Whānau Oranga - Whānau Ora Practitioner
Support whānau dreams and aspirations to encourage the potential they hold to succeed in all aspects of their lives.
Whānau are given the tools of Te Ara Whānau Ora to become:
Live Healthy Lifestyles
Whānau Unity
Confident to participate in Te Ao Māori
Participation in Society
Economic Security and Wealth Creation
Responsible Stewards for their Living and Environment

Te Kahu Manaaki Rangatahi – Youth Mentor
Health Education
Rangatahi Wellbeing
Drug & Alcohol misuse
Develop skill pathways.
Healthy lifestyle decisions
Sexual health
Mental health
Tobacco/vaping control
Emotional avoidance
Disruptive behaviours
Career pathways

Te Kahu Whakapūaki Waiora – Health Coach
Te Kahu Whakapuaki Waiora Service:
Works alongside whānau to connect them with advice and referrals to support any wellbeing or health challenges.
Long term health/wellbeing challenges could include:
Family Violence
Suicide Prevention
Life coaching
Mental Health

Te Kahu Rongoā Māori
Currently available on selected days and hours - please make contact to create an appointment time. Plans are underway to expand operating hours to provide extended services as part of our comprehensive hauora program.
These services are part of our vision for holistic health care, combining traditional Māori healing practices with modern well-being initiatives. As we expand, our goal is to provide seamless, culturally rich health support to our community.
Mirimiri (Bodywork): Traditional Māori healing through massage and bodywork, incorporating holistic techniques to address both physical and spiritual well-being.
Whitiwhiti Kōrero (Support and Advice): Confidential and culturally sensitive conversations, helping individuals and whānau navigate challenges and find solutions.
Karakia (Prayer): Spiritual support through traditional Māori prayer, tailored to the needs and circumstances of those seeking guidance.